A. Each initial application must be accompanied by a currently dated medical examiner's statement (DPSMV 1966 form) certifying that the applicant is mobility impaired or in the case of a disabled veteran, an affidavit from the Veterans Affairs Office attesting to the veteran's disability of 50% or more. "Medical examiner" is defined as a person licensed to practice medicine by the Louisiana State Board of Medical Examiners, a person licensed to practice chiropractic by the Louisiana State Board of Chiropractic Examiners, a person licensed by the Louisiana State Board of Physical Therapy Examiners.
The certification must indicate the type of impairment as follows:
Permanently Impaired – the applicant's physical condition is a total or lifelong condition of mobility impairment from which little or no improvement or recovery can reasonably be expected.
Temporarily Impaired – the applicant is only eligible to receive a hang tag.
A. If you have a "temporary" disability, the duration is one year. If you have a "permanent" disability, the duration is four years.
A. You only need to re-submit the medical examiner's certificate if it was a "temporary" disability. Once the state has the certificate reflecting a permanent disability on file, there is no need to re-submit.
A. The same requirements are needed as the mobility impaired hang tag. The medical examiner's certificate must indicate that the disability is a permanent impairment.
A. Any veteran who has a service-connected disability of 50% or more is eligible for this type plate. If the applicant qualifies for a disabled veteran license plate, he or she may also be issued a mobility impaired hang tag. An affidavit is required from the Veterans Affairs Office attesting to the veteran's disability.
A. A mobility impaired person can designate one recipient motor vehicle owned by his or her spouse, parents, legal guardian, or by a legal entity to be allowed "special parking privileges" only when used to transport the mobility-impaired person. Bring in the vehicle owner with his or her registration, medical examiner's certificate, proof of insurance, and photo ID
Need to Renew Your Mobility Impaired Hang Tag?
Call us for more information.
(504) 887-0588